
What is
and what is NOT Reiki

A short summary

What IS Reiki

What IS NOT Reiki


•  Reiki is unversal energy

•  Reiki is totally spontaneous

•  Reiki is neutrality

•  Reiki is freedom

•  Reiki is simplicity

•  Reiki is flexibility

•  Reiki is creation

•  Reiki is balance

•  Reiki is healing

•  Reiki is total confidence

•  Reiki is connection

•  Reiki is relax

•  Reiki is beiing ourselves

•  Reiki is abundance

•  Reiki is infinite energy

•  Reiki is purity

•  Reiki is joy

•  Reiki is love

•  Reiki is growth

•  Reiki is connsciousness

•  Reiki is perfection itself

•  Reiki is life (vital energy)

•  Reiki is divine light

•  Reiki is natural growth

•  Reiki is energy flow

•  Reiki is always and EXCLUSIVELY good

•  Reiki is not built

•  Reiki is not complicated

•  Reiki is not imposition

•  Reiki is not control

•  Reiki is not hierarchy

•  Reiki is not difficult

•  Reiki is not an obedience

•  Reiki is not rationality

•  Reiki is not rigidity

•  Reiki is not dogmatic

•  Reiki is not sectarian

•  Reiki is not rules

•  Reiki is not expectation

•  Reiki is not sress

•  Reiki is not fear

•  Reiki is never fault

•  Reiki is not judgement

•  Reiki is NEVER bad.